Sadie Lou | Fresh 48 | Lubbock, TX

Sadie Lou is here! And I’m so thankful I got to be there on her first day of life to 1. hold her and get some newborn snuggles, and 2. capture this sweet baby at the tiniest she’ll ever be! There is something really magical about watching parents with their tiny new blessings for the first time. Though they’ve loved their babies for such a long time already, decorated the nursery, and stocked the closet full of everything they’ll [ever] need, there is still this moment of “meeting” each other for the first time that just takes my breath away! It’s like they’ve known each other forever. The hustle and bustle of preparing for the new baby has dissipated, and now they are able to truly “be still” and enjoy their first moments together as a new family.

It’s a joy and an honor to be able to capture these sweet moments for your friends who have become family. Allen family, I’m so thankful for your friendship and your family! Love you guys to the moon!



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