This family has a special place in my heart! Courtney has been one of my closest friends for years now. She was my pledge sister in Kappa Delta and is one of those friends that you watch do amazing things with their life, take risks and follow their passion. She stood by me on my wedding day and has always been there for me.
Her and her sweet husband, Tyrel, have been through a lot over the last year. After the loss of their first baby, Davis, they stayed faithful that God had a plan. We always say He has one, but living that out in faith is easier said than done. When Court shared with me they were expecting their second little boy, I was so happy for them knowing that this boy was going to bless them immensely. Having two of my own, there is just something about being a boy mom that only boy moms understand. Welcome to the club friend!
Brooks David, welcome to this world! You sure did make a grand and early entrance at just 30 weeks, but showed us all how you have a little fighter heart and are doing so well! He got to go home on Memorial Day weekend! I was honored that Court waited until I could get out to Dallas and capture this sweet little nugget! Court and Tyrel, love you both and congrats! He is precious and I’m so excited to walk by you both in this crazy parenting journey! -NT