What To Do With All Those Digitals

You’ve been following one of your favorite photographers for awhile on social media and you’ve finally decided to reach out and book the session you’ve been daydreaming of. You send the email, nail down a date, pay your session fee and then start piecing together outfits. UH OH…you have nothing to wear. So you suppose this is a great excuse to invest in some new outfits. You may even decide that, because this is a special occasion, you will also book a hair and makeup appointment. And don’t forget about your nails! Time passes and the day of your session is quickly approaching. You are excited! You talk through your vision with your photographer and run through your checklist to make sure you are prepared. The day of your session is here and you are making sure everyone is well-groomed, well-dressed, and that you make it to your appointments on time. You head to your agreed upon location, pose for your photos, head home and then wait anxiously for your proofing gallery to arrive. You open your gallery, select your favorites, and then receive all of your digital images through your email or on a USB.

And this is where those images remain for several years until you figure out what you want to do with them.

Sound familiar? We get it! In today’s digital age, it can be really convenient to “save now, create later”. But what if you never get around to later? When do you get to enjoy the fruits of your photoshoot and share with your family and friends??

We are always preaching about the importance of printing your photos, but we also find that many people simply don’t know how they want to display them. Or don’t know where to start. That’s where we can help! We offer several print products including large prints and canvases, but perhaps our most favorite item of all is our handcrafted, hand-designed Italian leather heirloom album! Our clients love this option because they are able to display all of their favorite photos in one gorgeous, custom-designed album that looks amazing as a centerpiece on their coffee table. Check out the latest album we designed for our newest bride and groom, Morgan and Sterling. We love that not only will the two of them get to relive this beautiful day anytime they want, but it will tell the story of their wedding day for their kids and grandkids as well! Albums are a great option for showcasing the people that mean the most to you, and all of your special events and milestones!


